вторник, 21 апреля 2009 г.

8 Qualities To Become An Excellent Lawyer

8 Qualities To Become An Excellent Lawyer

Every profession has its driving force and the duties of a lawyer cannot be overemphasized because it cuts across diverse sectors of our daily activities. Thousands of students are attracted to this profession, however, before enrolling in the Faculty of Law, it is of important to know if you have the necessary for qualities to become a good lawyer. Make sure you have these eight qualities that can make you an excellent lawyer.

1. Enjoy Discussions With Good Arguments

For you to be a successful lawyer enjoying a well-argued discussion with people is a good one, because this shows you are on the right track. This is one of the major characteristics a good lawyer must possess to success in the profession; as a professional, you are expected to devote part your day to exposing certain fact related to your arguments for the benefit of your client.

2. A Persuasive Skill

Persuasion is another skill a good lawyer must possess. Being able to develop this skill can make a difference not only when presenting the case, but also to “convince” the court about your client’s position So, if you are considering to be a good lawyer, you’d better start training your persuasiveness.

3. Good Negotiation Skills

Negotiating is a key success factor that must not depart from the mouth of any good lawyer. In almost any case reaching agreements between the parties involved are essential in the profession. It is important to have a bargaining skill that will allow you to reach good deals before falling into more cumbersome procedures.

4. Great Emotional Balance

Due to the verse nature of the profession, lawyers are exposed to many arguments, which could affect their moods and even possible threats; so, not having a good emotional armor will be difficult to bear. Becoming a good lawyer, you must be ready to balance your emotions irrespective of the case before you. It is often said that lawyer is known to have “thick skin” Always prepare to deal with the stress that comes with each case.

5. Being Organized

With life being organized shows how serious you are as an individual, and this could speak a lot about your achievement. Becoming a good lawyer also depends on your level of good organization of both time and your job, knowing this secret shows you are one step closer to being a good lawyer. The profession will involve meeting and interview with clients daily, daily paperwork, making a lot of phone calls, keeping to time over court proceedings and a lot more.

6. Persistence is a Virtue

Persistence is synonymous to this profession and is another great virtue of a good lawyer; as a lawyer is never allowed to surrender. A successful lawyer must be willing to fight to the end to achieve your goals. As we know, all know failure is inevitable, but you will have to be prepared to stand up as many times you fall.

7. Patience

Another success factor of a good lawyer will always depend on his/her patience because the profession requires much waiting for the courts and other actors in the legal system. This could even last longer than expected. You must cultivate the character to learn to wait for hours, weeks and even months to resolve a case.

8. Sense Of Aggressiveness

A good lawyer must be composed to face whatever challenge that is before him in the law courts. He/she must not be a violent person but must learn to apply a well-understood aggressiveness. Every lawyer must be ready to work with agility to face and overcome any obstacles necessary to achieve his/her objectives.

Possessing all these great qualities will make you stand out unique amongst your colleagues. So, take the time to develop yourself and make a different in your society.

Original article and pictures take www.lifehack.org site

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