понедельник, 20 сентября 2010 г.


rosecityriveters: “ themasculinevoice: “ revengeoftehblackbirb: “ tami-taylors-hair: “ maritsa-met: “ goalsandpriorities: “That 2017 #look ” On the other side of the dressy scale there was a 7 months pregnant lawyer sitting on the floor at IAD ” At...

At O’Hare there was a lawyer who was about five minutes away from giving birth sitting there in her sweatpants with a sign that said “I’m a lawyer and I speak Hindi/Urdu”. Just her and her sign and supersized tea from McDonalds.

I’ll say it again. MOSTLY WOMEN.

Why does their being mostly women matter?

Because, statistically speaking, 64% of lawyers in the United States are men, meaning that the majority of the demographic showing up should reflect this.
It is also interesting to note that only 27% of American born lawyers are female- that means that a lot of these women are likely immigrants or foreign born.
We have a majority of women showing up in a field where they are a minority; women who dropped everything to help defend human rights and the country.
There’s no cis-male equivalency to pregnancy, but if you fail to see the importance and stength of a woman who might feasibly go into labour at any second still standing up for what is right and good whilst the majority of politicians are cowering, then I can’t help you.

Original article and pictures take 78.media.tumblr.com site

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