среда, 2 октября 2013 г.

Mueller has evidence a White House lawyer was researching laws possibly broken by Flynn (and others)

Mueller has evidence a White House lawyer was researching laws possibly broken by Flynn (and others)

Michael Flynn, Trump’s unqualified, conspiracy-loving former national security advisor who secretively met with former Russian Ambassador Kislyak before team Trump took office and then lied to the FBI about the meeting, appears to have violated a federal law known as the Logan Act. Despite their denials, it turns out, all of this was known to Donald Trump and White House lawyer Don McGahn, who began researching federal law almost immediately after Trump put his tiny, filthy, orange spray-tanned, pussy-grabbing hand on the Bible to be sworn in last January. From Foreign Policy:

The White House turned over records this fall to special counsel Robert Mueller revealing that in the very first days of the Trump presidency, Don McGahn researched federal law dealing both with lying to federal investigators and with violations of the Logan Act, a centuries-old federal law that prohibits private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments, according to three people with direct knowledge of the confidential government documents. The records reflected concerns that McGahn, the White House counsel, had that Michael Flynn, then the president’s national security advisor, had possibly violated either one or both laws at the time, according to two of the sources. The disclosure that these records exist and that they are in the possession of the special counsel could bolster any potential obstruction of justice case against President Donald Trump.

It would appear that McGahn recognized Flynn, and possibly Trump, were in a world of trouble as soon as he found out about the meeting:

McGahn conducted the analysis shortly after learning that Flynn, on Dec. 29, 2016 — while Barack Obama was still president — had counseled the Russian ambassador to the United States at the time, Sergey Kislyak, not to retaliate against U.S. economic sanctions imposed against Russia by the outgoing administration. McGahn believed that Flynn, and possibly anyone who authorized or approved of such contacts, would be in potential violation of the Logan Act, according to two of the sources, both of whom work in the administration.

Emphasis added. Was Flynn acting as a lone wolf? Or was he acting on orders from Donald Trump? Given that Flynn is now a cooperating witness in the special counsel probe, Mueller probably already knows the answer.

Original article and pictures take thetrumpimpeachment.com site

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